ADXL345 is a compact fiber thin low power consumption three accelerometer,can be as high as 16 g acceleration for high resolution (13 a) measurement,Digital output data for 16 bit binary complement format,can through the SPI (3 line or 4 line) or the I2C digital interface access
ADXL345 is very suitable for mobile devices,in the application of it can skew detection application in measuring static acceleration of gravity, but also can measure movement or impact in dynamic acceleration
Chip: the adxl345.
Power supply :3-5v.
Means of communication: the iic / spi communication protocol.
Measuring range: ± 2g ± 16g.
Schematics, manuals and reference documentation of relevant data.
51, the avr, the arduino microcontroller test code.
3-axis, ± 2g / ± 4g / ± 8g / ± 16g.
Package Content:
1 * ADXL345 3-Axis Digital Acceleration of Gravity Tilt Module