I bought this model at Value Hobby because I wanted a everyday flyer that was capable of improving my skills on. I am not yet an intermediate pilot, Something I could ?grow into" and had a full set of replacement parts available too.
The overall quality of this ARF is not bad at all.I did not use the supplied clevises, but the only big negative I see on this plane after maybe a dozen flights is the landing gear mount. It is based on 1/16" ply.I removed the forward belly plywood, added 3 1/4"square hardwood dowels at the front and sides and epoxied in 1/8" ply belly and then another 1/8" ply just under the gear mount area and has been solid. I enlarged the cowling prop shaft hole and trimmed out an exit holeat the lower rear for some motor and ESC cooling.
This plane is equipped completely as recommended with the exceptionof of installing the 80A ESC because I did not want to install a BEC with the Value 60A ESC.I use the D32, 13 X 6.5 prop, and 4S 3300mah battery,
In the air it is big and easy to see. Orientation is good with the supplied covering scheme, It flys inverted well, will knife edge, and the rolls are surprisingly axial (I used some mechanical aileron differential and a Y harness,)