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Review Details

(Open Box) FrSky Taranis X9D Plus

Average Customer Rating:

(Open Box) FrSky Taranis X9D Plus

Product Rating:

Product Review (submitted on August 21, 2014):
I recently purchased a FrSky Taranis with the included telemetry receiver. It arrived a few days ago. I think the radio is a wonderful value, and all seems to be OK with it. However, I wanted to address the shipping issue. The radio comes in a "travel box", and apparantly the shippers figure that it will all be fine as long as it is enclosed in this little "vault"! They simply wrapped the travel box in a minimal amount of bubble wrap, and stuck it in a plastic mailer bag, allowing for UPS to have its way with my package! The "travel box" arrived dented, and one corner had been broken apart from the game of Rugby that was conducted using my package as the ball!
I would suggest that in the future, you place such an item inside a suitable box, and prepare it using proper protective measures. I am not going to ask for a replacement, as I can live with a dented box, and can fix the broken corner, but I would suggest some additional measures to protect from the yard apes who work for UPS.
Sincerely, Roger D.
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(Open Box) FrSky Taranis X9D Plus


