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Review Details

31.5in Freewing Bubles PNP (EPO Foam)

Average Customer Rating:

31.5in Freewing Bubles PNP (EPO Foam)

Product Rating:

Product Review (submitted on April 13, 2013):
After opening the box, I was making the first flight in less than a hour. Very good design, and assembly is a piece of cake. Value Hobbies recommend a two cell pack, while the manufacturer suggests a three cell. I have only used the two cell set up so far. Even with just two cells, performance is awesome. Hand launch is a snap. Climbs out at an amazing angle. Don't forget to add the supplied stickers. They helped me quite a bit in regards to orientation. It can disappear in a hurry if not careful. Landings are best done with the prop at idle. A spinning prop produces a lot of drag. This actually slows the plane down considerable. With the prop folded, you are likely to glide right pass your intended landing area. The Chinese translation to English is humorous at times. Although my attempt to translate English into Chinese would be a disaster. Pictures throughout assembly, make up for the lack of a good translator. At $59, you can't go wrong. Very fast at full throttle, yet very gentle at about half throttle. Yes, you can have the best of both worlds.
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31.5in Freewing Bubles PNP (EPO Foam)


