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Review Details

69in Aviator Pro 40 ARF (Balsa)

Average Customer Rating:

69in Aviator Pro 40 ARF (Balsa)

Product Rating:

Product Review (submitted on April 24, 2014):
I have this one powered with an OS 52 four stroke. It's a great looking airplane. The wing is nearly fully symmetrical, thin chord, which makes it very fast. Landing speeds are very fast. Roll rates are slow, your buying this for the classic look anyway. Its a very stable plane, point it and it stays there. You will need some tail weight when you put a nitro in it. With the extra weight, it handles wind like its not there. I fly electric also, but the extra mass and power of nitro lets me fly in 30 mph winds no problem. My electrics all stay home on windy days, and Texas has plenty of wind. With the great looks and the sound and smell of the four stroke engine, your flying a nice classic looking airplane that satisfies. I used a landing gear that is twice the width wheel to wheel. Much stability was gained by doing this. The landing gear is also wider front to rear, from a true nitro plane, providing springiness and much more strength. I used the same wheel pants and wheels that are provided, because I take off and land on concrete. If you fly on grass, you will need to double the wheel diameter. So far the shake of the four stroke has not broken the glue joints around the firewall.
Been flying 34 years, and this one get high marks.
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69in Aviator Pro 40 ARF (Balsa)


