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Product Review (submitted on September 30, 2014):
My main chargers are 3 Junsi iCharger 4010DUO those are 400 dollar chargers, I own 3 of them and yes there completely awesome sick chargers and well worth the money for charging my 700 and 800 size heli packs and large plane packs. I bought 4 of these to charge my small 1,2 and small 3S packs and wow they are a dang good charger for the coinz. 4 of these and 4 6 amp laptop power supplies that I bought with free shipping totalled under 130 bucks, I can charge 4 small packs at a time while my 3 main chargers are handling my big flight packs. I will buy a few more of these as they are very small and light weight, I dont like putting a lot of load on my main power supplies as they cost a lot of money and I want them to last as long as possible so the laptop power supplies work awesome and I only charge packs that are 1300 and under so I never need to charge are more then 3A so the cheap 6A laptop P/S work awesome, They will charge at 6A however they get pretty warm and I doubt they will last very long if running them over 4.5A but hey they cost 6 bucks with free shipping from the huge online retailer. The charger uses 2.5 X 5.5mm plug for those of you who need to know what P/S to buy just search 2.5 mm X 5.5 MM Laptop power supply and you will get what you need. The charger its self will charge at a true 6A and not even get warm so it can handle it if you buy a higher quality power supply so you can charge fairly large packs fairly quick. Its not no 2000W charger and you have to understand that so it will not charge big picks quickly as you are stuck to more less 1C on big packs but the good thing is only charging at 1C is gonna vastly extend the life of your batteries. However you can charge pretty much all cheap packs at 2C just fine and high quality packs at 4C just fine and you arent gonna be doing that with this charger unless they are small packs. 2200 and smaller 2 and 3S these chargers are awesome for the money.
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