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Review Details

83in Giant Easy Stik ARF (Balsa)

Average Customer Rating:

83in Giant Easy Stik ARF (Balsa)

Product Rating:

Product Review (submitted on April 18, 2016):
I ordered this to get back into flying after 8 years hiatus. Manual is not very informative and leaves a lot of questions about can you fly it as a two piece wing or should you epoxy the wing halves together. I chose to epoxy wing together and epoxy fuse together with the included bolts. Flies great no bad habits. First flew with DLE 20cc and dual batteries it weighed 14.5 lbs with 6" dubro rubber inflatable tires. Everyone at field impressed with the tundra tires. In a hoover it would slowly sink with 20cc and 16x8 prop. Inverted flight hands off. I did modify the tail and square off the vertical with balsa as well as the rudder and increased their size and improved the looks. Switched engines to a RCGF 40cc twin cylinder 19x8 prop and it hoovers at about 1/4 throttle and vertical climb until in clouds. Let a friend fly it and he lost orientation and hit a tree. I just ordered another to replace it. You cannot find a better value in a gas plane or better flying stick. Order some Power HD LF-13MG servos even for throttle run life batteries and a 30 to 40cc motor for a terrific plane.
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83in Giant Easy Stik ARF (Balsa)


