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Review Details

55in StarMax Geebee R3 PNP (EPO Foam)

Average Customer Rating:

55in StarMax Geebee R3 PNP (EPO Foam)

Product Rating:

Product Review (submitted on July 12, 2014):
Takes off and lands with no surprises, and is amazingly nimble in it's maneuvers. Aileron rolls are quite quick on high rates, and a couple degrees of down thrust is needed to keep her from climbing on full throttle. Check your C.G. as it is critical, as always. Too bad a real R-3 was never built because to see a full scale fantasy racer at the air shows would be almost as breathtaking as Delmar in his R-2 tearing up the skies!
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55in StarMax Geebee R3 PNP (EPO Foam)


