BUY THIS PLANE. This plane is massive. About a .90 equivelent model. Just the elevator alone is about 15 inches long. I bought this model to fly after I mastered my other one I got for free (previous owner had hard time flying) I fly with a 4S 2200Mah 4S lipo and its all the way back to the spar where It seems to balance out nicely. This one comes with 11 gram and 9 gram high speed servos, I was impressed how quick they were. I'm pretty shure the elevator and rudder has metal gears. Before you fly this model make positive your rates are set to what I have. Using these keeps the stall down significantly. I found this model will stall if too quick of input is given. It will snap roll if you pull up to quick on takeoff, go into a spin if you turn too fast, and tip stall really bad if you go too fast on high rates, I'd reccomend low rates for sport flying which is 50 percent aileron, 30 percent expo, 40 percent elevator, 30 percent expo, 82 percent rudder 30 percent expo. For hovering and extremely high energy moves like waterfalls and hovers, 100 percent aileron on 20 percent expo, 100 percent elevator on -20 expo, and 80 percent rudder on -20 expo as my preference. Make shure you can switch these in flight!!! Even the pros do this... Haha for spare parts such as spinners, cowls, and props, order from Search "MX2" if they are all out, a 14x8 prop and 2 1/2 inch dubro spinner works fine. If you break your shaft you can search "mx2 replacement shaft" on hobbyking. I've bent mine and broke half of it off, where the aluminum is solid. Just rethreaded a metric bolt on. Ill admit paint is horrible on this model, but packing tape on the wings helps alot, you can barely notice if you use a credit card to smooth it.
Wonderful plane. Terrible decals. I acquired two of these for free from a freind who had a hard time flying it. Ill admit after six years of flying giant scale and homebuits i admit its a handful i learned to fly the first one and ordered this just to take out for airshows. Few things about it though. Keep your airspeed up. This plane has a horrible tip stall downwind and on landing. If it goes to fast out of a loop or harrier, It will spin. I found 55 percent rates and 30 percent expo brings the stall characteristics down while still retaining 3D capabilities. 89 percent throw for 3D and 40 percent throw for sport flying is recommended, and changing rates in flight is a good idea, this plane will stall if you have high rates for general flying. I've put mine into a death spin three times running high rates at full throttle. The plane is incredibly tough. I smashed it into the ground at full speed in a spin, fuslage broke in half and i epoxied i together flying it half a hour later! Only weak part is the prop spinner and cowl. I run a 13x8 two blade and it does fine, with a dubro spinner. If you want replacements search "mx2" on I ordered 4 props one cowl and 2 prop adapters for 45 bucks shipped! When you get yours, epoxy the wings and landing gear GOOD. Just do it. Wings only have one bolt holding them in and they slide around slightly, stalling the wing in loops and spins. Packing tape on the wings also protects the paint and it hides well since the paint is so dark. The elevator and rudder servos are sluggish but work fine, they need a separate power supply to work faster. I'd reccomend some metal gear high speed ones available at hobbyking. Makes hovering and rolling circles easier. I'd reccomend this to anyone learning to 3D for a budget. Just don't drink any coffee the day you maiden it.. It's a massive handful. (Posted on 8/3/2013)
Instructions are somewhat helpful and somewhat confusing. add magnets to canopy or tape down if you want to keep this beauty. Take your time building this crazy 3d machine. I have a flight video under cobradude2009 on YouTube...i left everything stock...using a Turnigy nanotech 4 cell 2200mah 50-70c...i get a 3 ft takeoff... And vertical is unlimited with absolutely no loss in speed it climbs until you tell it stop. Flat spins are super easy inverted is hands off i love this plane. I will try to get everyone i know to buy one. (Posted on 5/27/2013)