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Review Details

60in Stylus 40 ARF Blue Scheme (Balsa)

Average Customer Rating:

60in Stylus 40 ARF Blue Scheme (Balsa)

Product Rating:

Product Review (submitted on September 30, 2014):
This is the come to plane to have fun just enough Dihedral to make her stable. She'll do all ya need and slow right down for a smooth Landing.
I only removed the plastic tubes for the the control rods and ran the rods thru the guide holes works fine..!!
I would not use less than a 32 size by Value Hobby so you'll have enough punch. the 46 is a bit much but works good if you like a rocket ship but be easy with high speed maneuvers as to much speed and side force will take her down. Build lite but not to lite for a scale engine. I'm using a 25 1100kv and 8x5 prop and had to cut back on throttle end points to lower amps but she fly's very scale and smooth but needs a bit more punch.
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60in Stylus 40 ARF Blue Scheme (Balsa)


