Very nice scale outline and great covering, with absolutely NO wrinkles, even after several months. I powered mine with a Magnum .52 4 stroke, mounted inverted. On the test flight it immediately began to bank left, and no matter the right aileron input, it only made it worse (adverse yaw). Managed to save the plane by adding right rudder to level it and made a good landing. Took it home, and put each aileron on a separate servo with aileron differential and set up a mix to couple rudder to the ailerons too. Flew it again the next morning, and it was like a different plane. Climb out was straight and level, and it turned left great, but still had a little problem going right, but manageable (I think it needs some right thrust). It almost lands itself, but will ground-loop if you aren't careful. I plan to add some washers under the left side of the engine mount to give it a little right thrust and I hope that will finish the trimming and tweaking. All in all, its a fun little plane.